How to beat SWF?
Hi ive reached about 200 hours now so id say im not a complete noob anymore but im not good, I've been winning about 60%ish of my killer games but now every game feels like a swf, they all loop perfectly and have 2000k+ hours and i usually cant even hit them let alone down, they all use the best meta perks with the best equipment and addons and the last 3 days this has been every single game.
ive been trying to learn things like moonwalking and focussing more of pressuring gens
the only thing I can do is try force a 3 gen but having to do this every single game is starting to get boring, I try not to tunnel too much and keep some gen pressure but they are always doing 3 gens at once arcross the map and if i get a map thats large thats basically game over.
This also happens day and night so it isnt to do with player availabilty but its way worse at night for that reason.
I love the game when its close, when they have 3 survivors and 1-2 gens and the pressure of holding and chasing them down is so much fun but games never reach that now