Virpil MT-50CM3, WarBRD?, with extensión?
Hi after some investigation I am gonna move from my actual TM warthog to a Virpil base. My actual TM is side mounted in a sim racing cockpit, so initially I thought to buy the WarBRD as it is supposed to fit better side mounted because of his greater movement. Checking some videos and taking some measurements in my rig I realized to my surprise that in fact I can mount a center joystick in the lower part of the rig, needing some kind of extension, and for that I know the best Virpil base is the MT-50CM3 for the limited movement with the extension and being more suited for bigger forces created by an extension.
The question is I have not clear what way to follow, if possible I want the more "realistic" solution, the one that get more close to real stuff if possible, I use to flight cold war and modern jets in DCS, WWII planes in IL2 and in some moment I would like to try helicopters, also I flight GA civil planes in MFS. For what I know 95%of the military planes have central joystick (the F16 is the only I know not following this pattern) so I assume the central position is more realistic, but for my rig disposition I will need to use a pretty long 20cm extension, probably the Virpil "S-Curve" one, this way my elbow will be at 90ª with my lower arms gently over my legs, I guess this is the good position, also I would prefer to keep my good old F16 TM grip, that is pretty heavy. Am I right assuming this would be the more realistic set-up?, maybe I am wrong but I think the real joystick "extension" in modern and cold war jets are much more shorter than 20cm.
But the main issue is for what I read I got the impression that is possible this set-up has a too long extension that with this heavy grip could make difficult for the base to keep it center and I could get an offset, anyone with this or similar configuration can give some feedback?, I do not want to spend all this money and discovering later it is not working properly.