I like him but get second hand embarrassment
I (36F) am dating a guy (34M) for 6 months. We are at a point of becoming serious and meeting family. I am hesitant because I find his behaviour in group settings sometimes cringey and embarrassing. One on one we get along great and on paper we are compatible on family values, timeline for kids, both successful and driven, both speak the same second language and follow same traditions (both grew up in Canada but born in Eastern Europe).
Here are examples of his behaviour that makes me cringe a lot:
always brags about money and how he makes triple what people who went to university make. Even around his friends he always brings up money in some way. I think it stems from insecurity that he never went to university, and I have a masters. He is successful and runs his own business and I have a great career too. He says he likes that I am educated and also make money. I’ve tried to tell him to stop comparing to people who went to school and all that matters is he is successful without it.
constantly brings up how he came from nothing and now he’s worth more than his uncles and his older brother and how they’re so jealous of him. I have met his brother and one uncle and they are nice people. I tell him that character is more important and he shouldn’t be competing against family on how much money you have. And that he should be humble and happy with where he is in life and not to shove it in people’s face. He doesn’t do this in front of them, but will talk about this with his friends. After I bring up privately that he should be more humble, he will then almost brag about how he’s always been humble even though he has more than other people. This annoys me to no end.
always has to bring up in conversation with his friends that he can fight anyone and take care of things, even when the convo has nothing to do with fighting. They will be talking about some guy and he will randomly add ‘it’s ok I’ll take care of it I’ll find him in an alley and take care of business’ and then things just become awkward. He just takes it to such an extreme level. He doesn’t actually fight people it’s just talk but it’s embarrassing. And then if someone says ok calm down he just says ‘wow I was making a joke’.
can’t read the room. Some of his friends will be joking around and razzing each other and some are more sarcastic. And sometimes he laughs but sometimes he takes it personally and even if it’s not aimed at him. And he makes a big deal about it and says things like ‘ok you are in my house so you need to respect my friend because I don’t want to have to break up a fight between you and you know I can stop you’ and it just creates an awkward vibe. His friends will reassure him that it’s just jokes and nobody is offended and to relax. But it’s like he has to find ways to act all tough every now and then. And he doesn’t drop it either he will go on and on to ‘lecture’ them about showing respect and almost like he’s in a mafia movie or something. It’s just cringe.
always has to bring the convo back to him in some way and always has something to complain about. He complains about how all these things happen to him in the business he runs and it’s just annoying because to me it just sounds like he has a victim mentality. A lot of what he deals with is the same stuff everyone deals with in work. Some things are a lot more difficult because it’s his own business and risk but he also makes more money for doing it so he is compensated well for dealing with the additional stresses. I tell him this too but he just says I don’t get it as I’m not in his shoes. And even if that’s true, it’s just annoying and most people I can tell get bored of him complaining.
pushes his friends too much and doesn’t take no for an answer. During a game night he will decide to all have a shot and if one of them declines he keeps pushing and pushing until they say yes. Once or twice is fine and all in good fun but he doesn’t know to stop there. And it gets almost awkward. He never pushes me and I usually say no and he’s fine but it’s still annoying because he can’t just drop it and I observe his friends kind of being annoyed too. Things are fine after but it bothers me.
I am worried to introduce him to my family and friends because if this is how he acts around friends he’s comfortable around, would he feel the need to brag this much or more to new people? I’m a very chill and secure person so I find this behaviour almost just immature. If it’s immaturity, can it improve and maybe he will calm down as he settles in life more? Is his insecurity a red flag and will manifest in worse ways down the road?
Thank you in advance!
Edit - thank you all for your comments and advice, it is greatly appreciated and helpful! I will give an update later today, just figuring out how to post updates correctly, looks like I have to make a new post with a link to this original.