At what point do you pull the plug on a relationship?

I've been dating this guy for just over a month, so it's early. It started out really lovely, I met some of his friends, he's met some of mine, and we really hit it off with lots of things in common. We are both quite open about the fact that we're attracted to each other. After we became exclusive, I noticed that we would get into some disagreements - not full on fights, but definitely some dates ended on a more tense note. I feel like we've been talking about the same things over and over again, and things already feel pretty stagnant.

Part of me knows that I have a lot of growing to do, and I've seen how he's been helping me do that (i.e. helping me feel more secure about myself, showing affection, etc.). But there's another part of me that wonders if I should just cut it off while it's still early. I'm torn between giving it a chance and moving on.