Most people's dating problems would be solved with self respect

A lot of the posts on reddit that concern dating really tend to boil down to one thing: being disrespected and not having the courage or self respect to walk away from it.

Whether it's an S/O that calls you out of your name, doesn't communicate effectively, is trying to be manipulative, cheats on you, etc., the root is the same: they do not respect you.

If you find yourself posting screenshots of text exchanges on reddit and asking what you should do, chances are you already know the answer if it's come to that point. Same thing applies if you find yourself asking why you haven't heard from a person in a week or why they're so flaky. They do not respect you or your time enough.

Respect yourself enough to recognize the signs and walk away from situations that are not healthy and not mutually fulfilling. If you find yourself feeling like you have to put on a show or beg for someone's acknowledgement, courtesy, respect, consideration, or time, then you should respect yourself enough to end the situation and watch how much your life improves from dropping dead weight.