Pre Dad, Any chance that you guys made mistakes regarding screen time and it won't be as big of an issue in the future, from acknowledging those mistakes?
Wishful thinking.
I remember when I was in school, electronics were banned. With the advent of social media and smartphones/tablets, it was clear that it was going to be a problem in schools and in raising kids generally. I feel like there has been a generation that has watched and experienced how bad it is for kids.
Just as an outsider looking in, it feels like there is a big pullback lately on allowing screen time, allowing smartphones at school, limiting social media and so on and so forth.
So this might just be me wishful thinking. Is there any chance that this issue will be much less of a problem for the next crop of kids as we hopefully over adjust the other direction? Kind of like the cigarette treatment.
Part of me is glad I didn't have a kid during the infancy of this tech revolution. Part of me is horrified because it could get even worse. Part of me is looking for people in the trenches right now to tell me it's getting better, and by the time it's something I have to deal with, it will be better.
Anyway. Random thoughts as I sit here waiting on my girl. Would love some thoughts from guys living it.