Speculation on V as main character in Cyberpunk Sequel (think how Witcher 3 endings set up Witcher 4)

It seems the most broadly held belief is that the Cyberpunk sequel will not feature V as the protagonist. Plenty of good reasons to think that -- none of the endings taken at face value really lend themselves to a sequel, all felt like they were meant to be final, Johnny was part of V and Johnny's gone (or at least transformed like Alt into a very non-human AI), etc.

And while I acknowledge the sequel may very well feature a whole new character starting back at the beginning, I'd like to suggest that I think it's more likely than not going to be V again. Think about the recent Witcher 4 trailer and the endings to The Witcher 3. None of them exactly feed into what we've seen (hence the questions how Ciri has passed the trial of the grasses). Now consider the various endings of Cyberpunk 2077. In all of them (other than the suicide ending), V is alive and hopeful to find a cure or does find a cure (Phantom Liberty Tower ending). Even the Devil ending could effectively leave V in a similar situation. It seems too much of a coincidence that all of the endings effectively set V in the same place (in terms of a video game needing the character to start back at level 1) and that there is really NO good ending: all leave the player wanting more for V.

So whether it's through Panam and the Aldecaldos hitting above their weight to get a cure (Nomad), Mr. Blue Eyes delivering on his promise after V takes down the Crystal Palace (ultimate street kid), or even some twisted deal with Arasaka (corpo), all of these could lead to V basically getting the same "cure" we see in the Phantom Liberty ending. The effect could be the same in all of them: she's stripped of her cyberware and just a regular person again, perfect setup for a new game. CDPR could easily (just like with Ciri and the Trial of the Grasses) provide some new twist that justifies how V can eventually use cyberware again: maybe her neurons heal to the point it's possible, maybe Myers was lying and left masking implants to only make it look like she can't handle new cyberware (that's what deceived Viktor), or maybe Vik is in on it, forced by his new corpo overlords (probably not that), maybe new tech in the future will make it possible... lots of possibilities.

It would be a beautiful story to continue V's character growth after the incredible apotheosis of Cybperpunk 2077 and fall. That's an INCREDIBLE character arc worthy of the great writers at CDPR. It's also an incredible backstory for whatever journey they have planned for the sequel. And while Cyberpunk 2077 had only sad endings, they're perfect as dark endings to lead into a greater story, like the ending of Empire Strikes Back or The Fellowship of the Ring. I believe that CDPR has said that Cyberpunk 2077 is the first game in a trilogy. The Witcher trilogy featured Geralt. The new Witcher trilogy features Ciri. CDPR has never said anything like each Cyberpunk game will feature a new protagonist. What if they just don't want to spoil the endings, but V is the protagonist across the whole trilogy?

And lastly, who would be the more interesting protagonist for the sequel: a brand new character starting from square one, or an unfinished character with the incredible background, hubris, growth, fall, loss of friends, shared mind, etc. of V? And V is still immature. He or she still wasn't content with any of the Cyberpunk 2077 endings. I suggest that's because they're not supposed to be complete endings, but rather a semi-cliffhanger pause for the sequel that will tell the next chapter in V's story. There can be no more interesting character than V, so V will be the main character in the next game.