Von Braun Tried to Warn Us About a Fake Alien Invasion
Von Braun’s False Flag Alien Invasion – a genuine warning or Fourth Reich deception?
Shortly before his death in 1977, Werner Von Braun, a pioneer in both German and US rocket programs, warned that a group of global controllers, aka Deep State, would systematically move through a series of false flag events or “cards”, that would be played in a sequence designed to ultimately militarize space and usher in a New World Order.
Von Braun gave his famous warning to Carol Rosin, who, from 1974 to 1977, was a corporate manager at Fairchild Industries, Inc., a major aerospace contractor that Von Braun had joined two years earlier. Rosin says that Von Braun asked her to be his spokesperson after being diagnosed with terminal cancer and revealed an elaborate plan by the US military industrial complex to weaponize space.
In a recorded video interview from December 2000 for the Disclosure Project, Rosin described the following sequence of false flag events Von Braun explained to her:
The strategy that Wernher von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be considered to be the enemy. In fact, in 1974, they were the enemy, the identified enemy. We were told that they had ‘killer satellites.’ We were then told that they were coming to get us and control us — that they were ‘commies.’
Then terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow. We heard a lot about terrorism.
Then we were going to identify Third World-country ‘crazies.’ We now call them ‘nations of concern.’ But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based missiles.
The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point, he kind of chuckled the first time he said it. Asteroids — against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons.
And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That would be the final scare. And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving speeches for him, he would bring up the last card. Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie.
Von Braun’s job at NASA was to mislead the US public about the potential of rocket propelled space travel, while ensuring the German space program in Antarctica had all the resources and personnel it needed for its electromagnetically propelled spacecraft to start space colonization on the Moon, Mars, and elsewhere in our solar system. Put simply, while the Apollo program got Americans to the Moon, it got Germans to Mars and beyond.
In return for its covert help through the Apollo program, the US military gained scientific assistance in its efforts to study and reverse engineer captured extraterrestrial technologies from former Nazi scientists who were brought into the US under Operation Paperclip (1945-1959). Many were secretly working for the Fourth Reich either voluntarily or were coerced to do so.
Werner Von Braun was among a select group of Operation Paperclip scientists who were asked to evaluate the remains of the 1947 Roswell Crash for the US (Army) Air Force as revealed in a leaked Majestic 12 document called the Counter Intelligence Corps/Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit Report:
Select scientists from the General Advisory Committee of the Atomic Energy Commission, most notably DR. J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER, was interviewed at LZ-2 (second Roswell UFO crash site) as well as other members. Among PAPERCLIP specialists identified at LZ-2 were DR. WERNER VON BRAUN (Fort Bliss); DR ERNST STEINHOFF (AMC [Air Materiel Command, Wright Field]) and DR. HUBERTUS STRUGHOLD (AEROMEDICAL LAB, RANDOLPH FIELD).
This leaked Majestic document has an authenticity rating “Medium-High Level of Authenticity” according to a scale developed by Dr. Robert Wood and his son Ryan using a number of criteria developed for evaluating leaked government documents.
What helps corroborate the document’s account of the role played by Von Braun in evaluating the Roswell debris as an expert scientific consultant is a former NASA Spacecraft Operator, Clark McClelland, who asked Von Braun about the Roswell UFO crash.
Von Braun told McClelland about the incident on the condition that no details would be revealed until after his death.
Dr. Von Braun explained how he and unnamed associates had been taken to the crash site after the bulk of the military personnel had left the scene. They did a quick once over of the site, Van Braun stated. He related how the exterior of the space craft was not metal as we know it, but appeared to be made of something biological, like skin….
And yes, there were alien bodies which were being kept in a medical tent near the UFO. The beings were small, very frail, and reptilian in nature. Von Braun compared their skin to rattlesnakes that he and his group had encountered at White Sands.
Von Braun was puzzled by the nature of the debris. The material was very thin, aluminum colored, similar to chewing gum wrapping, according to the scientist.
The leaked Majestic 12 document and McClelland’s recollection does show that Von Braun and other Paperclip Scientists were actively advising the US [Army] Air Force on recovered alien technologies from Roswell and other locations from July 1947.
Dr. Arthur Rudolph was also a German rocket scientist that was brought into the US in Operation Paperclip. He worked at both NASA’s Kennedy Space Center and Marshall Space Flight Center as the chief architect for the Saturn 5 engines that powered the Apollo program and as Von Braun’s Special Assistant up to January 1969. Rudolph has been identified as working with the US Air Force in studying and reverse engineering a captured extraterrestrial spacecraft, especially after his “official” retirement in 1969.
David Adair, who designed an “Electromagnetic Fusion Containment Engine” for the US Air Force in 1971, describes how Rudolph was leading a highly classified scientific effort to reverse engineer a captured extraterrestrial spacecraft stored at Area 51. Adair described how Rudolph had authority over senior Air Force officials and was being actively helped by the CIA.
“Why do we always wait until the government or the media verifies something in order to believe it’s true? Why do we assume that anyone without these official credentials is lying, or crazy, or both? If we simply did our own research, we could come to our own conclusions and we wouldn’t be so easily fooled when these official sources lie to us. There is so much information out there and so much evidence to support not only the existence of UFOs but of extraterrestrials as well. We don’t need the government to tell us what is already apparent. We just need to do independent research and think for ourselves.” Why? It is becoming apparent that the negative extraterrestrials that have been manipulating humanity on Earth (ie” Anunnaki, Draco Reptilians, negative Nordics, and their small Greys), have subjected the planet to mass mind controlled agenda, inducing our top leaders to do their bidding and instilling an apathy and cognitive dissonance in the collective minds of the populace.