I just Shoplifted out of pure hunger and desperation
I’m 23 (about to turn 24 in about 2 weeks). I have been without a job for the past 3 months. Trust me, I have been trying to get a job for the past 2 months, but it’s not easy. Things aren’t like they used to be. The job market is very tough nowadays and I’m experiencing it first hand & for the first time. I currently live with my mom and sister. My mom is the best. She helps me out anyway she can. It’s getting to the point where I feel bad asking her(and sometimes my sister) for money. I know that they don’t mind helping me but I miss having financial independence. And I’m tired of being in the position that I’m in.
Today, I woke up and we didn’t really have anything to eat in the house. I decided to go downtown, just because, you know how that unemployment life is lol.
I was starving. I didn’t really have much to eat yesterday either. I checked my bank account and saw that I have $1.32 in there. I have just enough to buy a Hershey’s chocolate bar at the dollar store. When I got in the store and I was looking at all the chocolates. I wanted more than just the Hershey’s bar. So I stole like 2 other chocolate bars.
I felt bad afterwards. I’ve shoplifted before. When I was super young (like 12-13) but back then I did it just to do it. Just to be a lil brat. But this time, I felt like a coward. I felt like I let myself down. This isn’t something I’m gonna lose sleep over, but it’s been on my mind all day.
Oh and btw. I’ve recently a few job opportunities. I did some interviews this week so hopefully things get better 🙏