It's just a concert, it's not that deep.

Okay, I'm ready for the downvotes on this one but here it goes:

The concert was not that deep, the hype is just a bubble which will burst after tomorrow. Just because they announced retirement everyone wanted to attend the concert as everyone thought it might be their last which isn't the case.

Fans were crying, legit crying. Why? Diljit concert girl got trolled of crying in the concert and now people who LAUGHED on her are CRYING at COLDPLAY CONCERT.

It's just a band, they are good singers no doubt. I too love them, the concert was magical but again, it was just a concert, It looks pretentious when people tell me 'Oh, I have post concert depression' like wtf bhai. Your life was the same before, you attended a 4 hour concert and when you are returning to you life you have POST CONCERT DEPRESSION???????

It's just a concert India, get over it. It's not that deep, they came in 2016, that concert was amazing too and they will come again so please, GET OVER IT.

(Incoming downvotes in 3..2..1..)