Spirit is broken.
I am appearing for dec'24 inter, and have less than a month left and my preparation? ass, no matter how hard i try to catch up to lost time it seems impossible and it is my fault because i let family issues and distraction get the best of me. I don't have the option to not give the exam because I can't afford to piss off my dad. I occassionally get asked about my progress and i don't even have the heart to tell them how I'm about to absolutely bomb my attempt and dissapoint everyone and waste so much money. I have no plan of action but to just hope for the best and try to push the negative thoughts away as best as i can. I know this is not going to be the end of the world, but i don't see a way out. i have been having extreme self-exit thoughts i know that's SO extreme and dramatic but i can't help it lol. I'm still going to try and give it my all or atleast about whatever's left in me. If anyone's feeling generous, toss a quick prayer up for me <3