Sorry mages – someone had to do something.

Look. I know. I know how this must look, and how it must feel to all of you – especially you mages out there. I get it. I’ve wrestled with this, with the meaning of no changes, with the sanctity of the 20-year-old balance handed down to us by Blizzard. But here we are. And, my friends, I am tired.

The game that lives in our hearts as it did in our late-night LAN sessions and after-school marathons, has reached a tipping point. It’s not the mages’ fault, not as individuals. But as a force of nature within WoW Classic, they’ve become... dare I say it... unmanageable.

The botting. The gold farming. The unending boost advertisements that make Zul’Farrak and Maraudon sound like used car-lots. The portal spam in every major city. The way they rake in gold and super-rare world drops like it’s a sponsored stream. The way that they dominate every single aspect of both PvP and PvE. It’s like the class wasn’t designed for Azeroth—but instead to rule Azeroth. And at this point, they don’t just feel like a class anymore. They feel like sinister mini-GM:s, manipulating the game’s ecosystem to their arcane whims.

So, I snapped. I’m sorry, but I snapped.

And that’s why I’ve made something. An addon. It’s called MageAway and silences mages for you. Wherever you need it most.

Want to mute their chatter in Zul’Farrak? Done. Sick of them hustling portals in Trade like they’re running Azeroth’s sketchiest Uber knockoff? Consider it obliterated. Want to go full scorched-earth and globally mute every mage whether they're on your friends list or not? Say less fam.

I haven't dared release it yet, because chances are you'll love it. The serenity, man... I am already working on features to automatically decline party invites, and instantly open Trade with every mage in your close vicinity.

I know this might seem extreme. And that parallels can be drawn to... fascist regimes. I know. I’ve heard the arguments: “They’re just a class!” “Don’t hate the player, hate the game!” But someone had to take a stand. Azeroth isn’t big enough for the rest of us with the sheer, unrelenting chaos of unchecked mage privilege. And if Blizzard won’t do something, I will. MageAway isn’t just an addon; it’s a revolution, and a way of life.

It’s dramatic. It’s ridiculous. It’s completely unhinged. But by the Light, it works.

EDIT: I actually got a “Reddit Cares” message after this, so to whoever reported me: rest assured, I’m fine.