They grind pavement they leave a pile of dirt there all weekend. Like downtown at ebcon center the ground the pavement and left the grindings there since thursday. huge clouds of dust and tracking mud when it rained, why is that happening? A couple years ago when they did it from princess to spadina they did the same from nowell to williams they did it. left the grinding there are over a week and when you look down the road during traffic times, its a big dust storm. Ever hear of silicosis? how about people living along there? hows the dust level in your home?

Its like they DO IT ON PURPOSE. Its bad enough we got farmers that dont care about tracking mud down the road or the reserve on Wolfe rd (that place has been like driving through a mudslide at times) but these guys are supposed to be professional and care about pollution and air quality. well obviously not. And where are the street sweepers these days? where are the inspectors and the highways dept on this?

this place is disgusting

heres an example of how the municipality should be protecting us:

Dust contains silica, categorized as being carcinogenic

to humans, and may contain other contaminants,

based on the source of the dust, such as asphalt

compounds, rubber, lead, asbestos, herbicides,

pesticides, fertilizers, salt, etc.

Health Hazards

Fine dust inhaled deep into the lungs and has been linked to a variety of health problems, ranging from

nose and throat irritation to respiratory illnesses, such as bronchitis, lung-damage and asthma. The

silica in dust has been shown to cause silicosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and renal


Any activity that disrupts settled dust will make it airborne where it will once again become a health

concern. Dust contaminated with chemicals can also present a separate health risk.

Environmental Hazards

Dust can migrate into nearby surface water, where it affects aquatic communities and contributes to

the nutrient loading of the surface water

ecosystem. Additionally, fugitive dust that settles

on nearby vegetation can weaken or kill the


Wind generation of dust particles can cause the

erosion of valuable topsoil and contribute to the

soiling and discoloration of personal property

Dust contributes to regional haze and particulate

matter levels in the atmosphere. By law, New

Hampshire is required to control sources of

particulate matter emissions and to maintain

national ambient air quality standards.










I bet that dirt tastes good