Backpacking Trails Near the Chilliwack Area
My friend and I are looking to go backpacking through some trails in the Chilliwack area and have small concerns about bears. I'd like to hear some stories some of you may have experienced while out on these trails and what safety precautions you used/took in the case of a bear or any threatening animal encounter. We are planning to go up for a day or two carrying Bear Mace but no firearm and would like to minimize encounters with predator animals in the region.
from what I've read, March seems to be the time bears wake up from hibernation but is also quite dependent on weather which could mean bears are already scavenging for food as we are having a warmer winter this year than usual.
with that being said I'm sure there are a lot of you more knowledgeable about the subject and would love to receive any tips you may have.