Playing/activity level of severe CH kitten?

So my severe CH baby is approximately 3-4 months old and she’s also visually impaired. She currently is living in a medium dog crate in my bathroom so that my other 2 cats don’t bully her and so she doesn’t hurt herself while I’m at work. Everyday I try to snuggle her and get in her physical therapy but she still can’t walk on her own or even stand. She can hold herself eternal for a few seconds but mostly just lays on her side. She eats and drinks pretty good and is using potty pads currently. She’s not super playful and doesn’t seem to want to do much besides be held, eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom. I’ve tried other forms of enrichment for her but I think her lack of vision doesn’t help. I just feel bad for her because she’s in a crate most of the time and while she seems happy I’m wondering if it’s normal to not be playful yet. Am I just being an anxious cat mom? Any advice?