CMV: Selective Service is actually more of a violation to bodily autonomy than abortion
Now I honestly don’t think there’s a reason to compare these 2 things but it often comes up so I think it’s only fair to address it.
Imagine if there was some program where at 18, a bunch of teenaged girls were required to fill out a sheet that stated that in the event the government deemed it necessary, they would be required to have a child. It’s mandatory and if you don’t do it you lose benefits and face jail time. That’s basically the plot of a dystopian movie.
Well that’s exactly what selective service is. I think it’s ridiculous to make the claim that the government is controlling women’s body’s but not men’s and usually relies on the “control” being extremely specific.
But I’d say selective service is a far greater example of a violation of bodily autonomy than abortion restrictions. Reason being the government isn’t forcing women to get pregnant. They are forcing men to consent to giving up their bodies. The difference is between what you must do for me and what I won’t do for you.
I want to be clear this isn’t about whether one should or shouldn’t exist it’s about the bodily autonomy aspect when it comes the comparisons