CMV: Reddit should add these 2 keys features, and it’s surprising they haven’t already. Profile Privatization and Post Archiving.
I (m24) don’t think I use reddit a considerable amount and am actually rather new to the platform. But so many countless time and time again I may click on a post, and start the read into the comments. And a lot of the time the main subject of debate is totally lost in translation and I see debates just turn into blatant attacks on a redditors personal character because of what they post/interact with. Why aren’t private profiles a thing yet?
Also on the flip side, I have also been in the shoes of someone who has short “periods” where I might make a lot of posts in a short amount of time or whatever. Regardless, sometimes rather then deleting and old post I would rather be able to archive/hide it from the public somehow like you can do on so many other social medias. Can someone explain the deal with Reddit?