Potty blues
Ok folks. It's happened. I have 3 kids, and somehow, after 3 weeks, I've got puppy blues. The responsibility hasn't phased me. Nothing can change your life more than kids.
And we've bonded. I love the tyke. And I'm his person.
But he is not getting potty training.beveryb2 hours, we ring the bell and say outside! And take him.
Whether he goes or not, nobody knows.bive been out for half hour before to no avail. Back inside, crate and try again repeatedly. Then finally cuddle on sofa or play with kids or eat! And he poos or pees wherever he likes. In his playpen (never his crate). In the living room (he doesn't have unsupervised access, watch like a hawk but the house is big and can't make it to the door without a trail!!)
I've tried crating, bells, treats I've stick at the same routine religiously and not introduced new ideas out of frustration. I am not shouting at him.
Nothing is working and after 4 poos a 3 pees I've had to clean today, I'm defeated. I don't know why this 15 week old tyrant isn't getting it.
He was pad trained by the breeder and we quickly removed them and decided to feel the pain
But in the last week we've regressed to more indoors than out (and becaise we don't use pads, lots of work).
It's led to potty blues. Becaise I refuse to say its puppy blues, I love him and I am glad he's here. I just need the potty training to move forward and not back
Photo tax attached of my Murphy!