Does my current job workload sound toxic?

For my yearly achievements in addition to our regular projects throughout the year which are 3 to 12 at one time, I would have to do another cert, 40 hours of linkedin, possibility of doing support tickets, and monthly improvements. Does anybody else think this is too much or toxic, or should I just roll with it?

One requirement was to do 40 hours of Linked Courses on communication with different courses etc. The way I look at it is wouldn't that be an overload of information, and are there even that many courses on related topics on Linkedlearning lol?

Even though my first manager said we would never do support tickets, the new manager asked if I could do support tickets if hypothetically all of the support team was out or sick. To me it sounds like they're just short staffed and wanting to overwork me. I also would have to do 1 improvement a month, but is there even that much to improve? It seems like busy work that is just taking away focus from our clients, or make it harder to do our regular basic work when we already have to do 3 to 12 projects at one time where we have to do video meetings with them throughout the day.

I have to get another certification for my role for the skills section of the goals, but even just getting the cert would be a 3. He said to get a 5 would be someone going above and beyond working outside of work hours, or writing a study guide so others could pass the cert.

I feel like it would be better just to focus on the project, like why do I have to do all this extra stuff? It gets to a point where the extra stuff distracts you from your regular job too.

Does this sound toxic and would you stay in my position or look elsewhere?