R7 noise when removing lens
I just bought a refurb R7 from canon and so far it’s a great camera. Only thing I noticed was that when the camera is off and I take my only RF lens off (not my EF to R adapter) the camera makes what sounds like a sensor cleaning sound but much louder. Even if the camera has been powered down for 24 hours it still does it. If I turn the lens and do not remove it, you can barely hear the sound much like how you can barely hear the cleaning when the lens is on and camera is powered on. It’s only when I remove it totally when you can really hear it. You can also kind of hear it when putting the lens back on.
If I run the sensor cleaning with a lens off the shutter is open and it’s not loud at all. If I power the camera down with the shutter open option and lens on, and take the lens off you can hear it cleaning but barely, much like when the lens is on.
So I guess when I’m taking off (or putting on) an RF lens it’s cleaning but with the shutter closed and hitting the shutter?
Does anyone else have an RF mount camera that behaves this way?
I’ve resorted to taking the battery out when I’m not using the camera or when I take my 18-150 off because I just kinda don’t like that sound is making.