When and why was concealed carry banned in Canada?

Yeah, I've read the RCMP's history of our gun laws, but it's still not clear to me.

That page tells me that before 1892 it wasn't allowed, then it was legalized with a permit in 1892. In 1921 you could carry a handgun with a permit and in 1932-1933 the punishment for carrying without a permit was increased. Then in 1977 this mysterious phrase appears: "You could no longer carry a restricted weapon to protect property." What does that mean? People with permits were allowed to carry if they had some valuable property with them? Or does it mean that people were only allowed to carry in their home beforehand, which was then banned?

Then there's nothing about how carrying firearms worked until the present Firearms Act and its ATCs came along in 1996.

So what I'd like to know is:

  1. In what year and with what act after 1892, was it made impossible for an ordinary person to obtain a permit to carry a firearm if they weren't in immediate danger?
  2. When that legislation was passed, what was the rationale and public opinion behind it?
  3. What exactly changed in 1977?