Go Ask Alice is awful lol

Go Ask Alice is a diary of a teenager descending into a drug addiction in the early 70s. It is less than 200 pages long and the format made it stupid quick and easy to read. Emphasis on stupid.

I knew it was a work of fiction from the beginning but what the fuck man lol. The author clearly knew absolutely nothing about addiction or the drugs the main character was using..

The emphasis on psychedelics and weed was ridiculous. Heroin was the most severe substance mentioned and it was literally only mentioned ONCE. Alcohol was mentioned maybe twice as well. She moved on from those like they were nothing..but she kept getting marijuana joints! Oh, the horror!

I had to force myself to assume that she was still drinking & using and just not mentioning it in her diary entries. That her & other characters weren't "stoned" from just cannabis. The mental gymnastics I had to put myself through to keep giving her empathy and root for her recovery is almost comical.

Aside from her blatant homophobia, the main character tried her best to stay positive and hopeful throughout her journey. Her family was overwhelmingly supportive and seemed to have little to no effect on the consequences of the main character's "addictions" - or the consequences of anything that happened in the book whatsoever. They probably ended up reacting the same way after the shitty and abrupt ending. she overdosed and died in her parents house 3 weeks after moving back with them heehee oopsie daisy story over I ended up just sitting here like ????

This was the worst book I read this year and probably one of the worst books I've ever read. This book is part of a series too! Hell no I'm not reading any more of them hahaha. Sorry, I just had to vent lol