Flashback: Uryuu Beating Senjumaru, Renji, and Ichigo: One of the best Performances in the War

Uryuu has one of the best performances in TYBW Arc.

First, He defeated a Squad 0 Member Senjumaru who has the ability to manipulate fate. Uryuu used his Antithesis in the most Perfect timing possible.

Second, he defeated the strongest Lieutenant (Captain Level actually) in Renji. Renji is considered above the Visored Captains. Making him a Mid Tier Captain Level at Minimum. Yet, Uryuu beat him without using Antithesis.

Third, he defeated the Main Character Ichigo. Without using all of his powers too.

Lastly, he help Ichigo and Aizen to beat Yhwach.

Actually, someone can argue Uryuu has better showing than Ichigo himself. Lol.