Can we ease up on Brendan?
I mentioned this in the comment of another thread but I thought I worth it's own post - why are we so eager to villainise people like Brendan Sklenar, Isabella Ferrer, the Sisterhood of the travelling pants cast, even Jenny Slate to an extent?
Yes, these people publicly supported Blake after the NYT article came out. As did most of the world, honestly, myself included! It looked pretty bad for Justin at the time, and it's only with the benefit of hindsight that we can see the holes with the story.
These people, particularly Brendan, did what I think most of us would do - they supported their friend and colleague who said they'd been sexually harassed. It's not their fault Blake is a liar liar pants on fire!
And now we want to make it impossible for them to walk back their support? To what end?
Many people say they need these people to publicly apologise to Justin, but I don't think that's reasonable honestly - especially with so much still not known about the case. Why risk alienating BL supporters, even if it looks like the wind is in JB's favour. They have everything to lose and nothing to gain from an apology now.
I respect the fact that Brendan is distancing himself from the matter. I respect the fact that Isabella and Jenny have (as of the fate of writing this) stood their ground and refused to join Blake's claim as plaintiff's. Maybe this is a decision driven by fear, or maybe they've realised that Blake is full of shit. We won't know unless and until one of them speaks on the issue.
It feels odd to say this to a snark reddit, but can we show some grace to people who may have made mistakes? I hate guilt by association with a passion, and a lot of the content I'm seeing here these days seems to be just that
Edit: Brandon, his name is Brandon