Tips and tricks for “extreme lethality master” (all prestige 4 calling card challenges)
Figured since I have all mine done I might as well help out the community.
Triple Kaboom (3 “high octane”medals for getting 3 kills with one lethal) -> first of all, all three kills have to be from a single explosion, so Molotovs don’t work for this. Use your preferred throwable lethal. Danger close for an extra. Assault pack to reload even more. Hard core for easy explosive kills. Either hardpoint or faceoff moshpit. If hardpoint, just spam lethals at the hardpoint when occupied by the other team. Sometimes you’ll get lucky with 3+ kills. If faceoff moshpit, leave lobby if it’s anything other than stakeout or pit. On those two maps, you can pretty much just toss lethals anywhere in the enemy’s direction and have a decent chance at 3 kills.
Explosive Plays (75 lethal kills on attackers/defenders) -> very similar to the last one- preferred lethal, danger close, assault pack, hardcore. This time, ONLY hardpoint (the spawns are kind of fucked in domination, plus people are less predictable. In hardpoint, you always know where most of the enemy team is heading towards). Again just spam lethals at the hardpoint when occupied by the other team.
Hot dawg (4 kills with Molotov or thermo in 1 life) -> your best chance at this one is VERY specific. Danger close, assault pack, MOLOTOV, hardcore faceoff moshpit, ONLY play on stakeout. Leave any other lobby. Throw molotovs at the highly frequented rushing zones, such as the middle of the two bedrooms// the balcony between them. Hope the other team is stupid enough to keep running into them. I actually had 5 players from the other team all die back-to-back to one of my molotovs and I got play of the game for it.
Triggered (3 “rigged” medals for killing 2+ enemies on an objective with 1 “delayed or manually triggered” explosion) -> again, hardcore hardpoint. spring mines, blast traps, and c4 all work for this. In my opinion, c4 is the best option, just toss them into the enemy-controlled hardpoint and hope you get it to detonate before you get killed, most of the time there are at least 2 enemy players on the hardpoint.
Knock knock (kill 50 enemies that are behind a wall or surface with a drill charge) -> speaks for itself. Hardcore faceoff moshpit is your best option. I like stakeout and warhead for this one. You can throw the drill charges onto the walls from the inside of the house on warhead and launch nades at the enemy spawn. In stakeout, you can take the center lane with the big pit, and throw them at either side of the walls to hit people rushing down the headglitch hallway or the bedrooms.
Combo (earn 20 “combinatorial” medals for killing enemies stunned by your tactical, using your lethal) -> hardcore, but this time free-for-all. Danger close, blast traps and shock charges. Throw one shock charge and both blast traps (2 to ensure flak jackets die too) down on the ground in a little pile together. Don’t throw them directly on top of each other though, you’ll blow them up. Works better when they’re thrown right around the corner of a highly frequented lane. Just toss them down and go hide prone somewhere where you won’t die. Wait until you get the kill, then get up and die. Wash rinse repeat.
That’s all of them. Add any suggestions you might have down in the comments.
Also, I have all of the prestige calling cards done up to prestige 4, so I could make a list of suggestions for prestige 1-3 as well, if yall would like.