How to you all meet people?

Background, I’m 32. Came out when I was 26. Didn’t actually have any experience with men until around 28. Then had a large dry period that was kinda on purpose. I wasn’t looking, I had been on dating apps but couldn’t get anyone to actually go on a date. Men specifically were more into hook ups. And my women matches dropped severely when I changed my profile to bisexual.


I’m 32 and got on grindr last year for the first time. I feel like this was a mistake because I find myself both addicted with the adrenaline of hooking up but also the constant emptiness of meeting and never speaking again. Most of the time, the people I meet I have no interest in talking to again. But occasionally I’ll meet someone who seems cool but they’re typically closeted and want nothing to do with me outside of the bedroom haha.

I’m not much of a bar guy but I do extremely well on grindr but still feel I have no opportunities to meet similar guys or girls. I’m on hinge rn, but conversations die out fast. Anyone have any tips on how to meet people? I’ve only been on one date with a guy but have hooked up with 9 haha. I think I’m going to take a month break from grindr to re evaluate my priorities.

I’m a male living in Michigan.