Experience with depakote

I've said several times on here that I'm coming down from a 5 week stint in hypomania. I am in such a mixed state right now that I feel fit to be tied. I want to do so many things but I don't want to "unass" my sofa either. I've been scrolling on this reddit for a few hours now and it has been helpful to talk it out in all the different topics.

I just started depakote for the first time to prevent a drop into depression...but I think it's too late, with how I feel like I'm coming down fast.

Or is it possible that I'm already feeling the effects? Everything I've read said it takes at least a week to start to work...

My psychiatrist said it was "fast acting" but since most meds take a month, I guess a week is fast in comparison.

We also took away my anti-d cold turkey. Maybe I should have decreased slowly...

What experiences did you have on depakote? I'm always anxious when I add something new.

Update at 4 months: I feel great. My swings are very low level so overall I'd say my moods feel balanced. I'm productive and am focusing on my physical well being now that my mental well-being feels so stable. I'm working out and eating super healthy.