Can we hold down jobs? High stress ones?

I’m going to school to be a social worker currently and I have a really really hard time holding down jobs. I currently have been at my workplace for a year and three months but the only way I was actually able to maintain that was because I had to go on leave for 6 months due to grief.

I’m worried that when I actually go into the social work field (which is a higher stakes job then the one I’m doing now), that I will be unable to hold one down for long periods of time.

What has it been like for folks who are in their workplace a year or more? What do you do durning episodes? Have you ever co lately ruined your working relationships to people in one?

Idk just thinking too hard. Going to quit this job cause I can’t handle it and although I really need work I’m scared that it wont even be worth it cause I’ll just quit in 3 months anyways.