In-laws repeatedly need reminding not kiss the baby

This makes me SO angry. My in-laws have been asked not to, but each of them keep kissing her even though she was literally in the hospital her first few days of life and the doctor asked if anyone had kissed her with a cold sore, so we had to text them and ask them if either of them had kissed her/had an active cold sore. Luckily, she did not have HSV but was that not enough to scare them? I genuinely think they keep forgetting, but still. It’s not that hard. My mom needed to be told ONE TIME that it can’t happen so what the fuck isn’t clicking with them?! Before you say you would cut them off from being alone with her, I cannot. They’re babysitting because my mom can’t. I just think this is so fucking stupid, it’s not that hard to follow simple directions.