Should Mike have been kept alive for the Gene timeline?

Breaking Bad ended in 2013, and Better Call Saul started in 2015. By 2013 there were already concepts for Better Call Saul, which likely included the idea of a post-Breaking Bad "Gene timeline." That same year, Mike was killed off.

Most of the fanbase likes Walt, Jesse, and Saul's respective endings. They were all pretty cool, and felt well deserved for each of them, but with Mike there's a lot of debate. Some people liked it because in a way it humbled in, but others don't since it was pretty anti climatic for a fan favorite character.

Saul and Mike is obviously the fanbase's second favorite duo, so it would've been cool to see what the two of them could've gotten up to in the Gene timeline. Let's say instead of dying on the river bank, Walt just shot Mike and he drove away, disappearing for the rest of Breaking Bad and appearing in the Gene timeline. Would this have been better in your opinion?