How to significantly improve or possibly revive Battles 2
For the mainstream:
- Fix progression, despite it being improved a lot I think a lot of new players just want to try out different towers and heroes, but that's locked behind a HUGE grind. I think all heroes and towers should cost in total half as much as they do now.
- Improve hidden tutorial, I like the new hidden tutorial they added where you play against a fake player, however I think the game should communicate more information and do it without using text so if a player can't read English they still learn the basic ideas.
- Advertise the game aggressively, do actual paid promotions with big content creators. For example: they could make a huge update that adds the bloonchipper (or other really interesting content) for nostalgia bait, then promote the game heavily.
- Fix lag, obviously it would be impossible to 100% get rid of lag, but a good start is when a player has a bad connection the game does not compensate for them by making the game run slower for the other player with the good connection. This will alienate a small part of the player base but the upside is worth it in my opinion.
- Balance the game better, listen to advice from top players, the current recursive loop of buffing towers and heroes then buffing rushing to fix the powercreep simply doesn't work.
- Fix the leagues system, honestly this might not even be necessary if the game blows up, you can just add matchmaking to HoM and leagues would no longer be an issue. Otherwise make leagues slightly more punishing to low win rates, and slightly less rewarding to those who spend a lot of time playing.
- Real bans instead of flags, have a real anti-cheat that attempts its best to completely lock out cheaters from the game (such as ip or hardware bans). Flagging can be easily circumvented by creating a new account.
- Fix the map problem, a lot of the maps in are disliked by a lot of players and are skipped most of the time. For the most unpopular maps keep them exclusive to private matches, for others demote them to lower arenas or rework them.