Update 5.0 - (5.0.0) Stealth changes list

lets collaborate once again as one HUGE community and complete another stealth changes list together! This time for update 5.0!

Reply bellow all stealth and hidden changes that you guys encountered! those which have not been included in patch notes.


DM from OP:

I would like to thank y'all for such big teamwork and help with past S.CH. lists. this list has gotten few minor improvements and two new sections. I hope that this little tradition of ours will last forever! thank you for being you Battlefield community! and Im really happy that I can be part of this OG community!!!

Also my long awaited “Features wanted by community” post will go live some time after this one. It will works same way. I will not delete things from there tho. I’ll just add other that you guys suggest. And you will be able to agree/disagree with things on that list by discussing bellow. Anyway, let’s do some work again and enjoy 2042 together!


This list may contain fixes and also additions or any smaller improvements. These may differ also by platforms and users and etc. so for you it might not be difference or change/fix. But most of them are verified and if not. I will mention it.

Verification process is based on how much users reports these stealth changes (if vast majority does) then these changes will advance to in-game verification process. (This one may differ by: platform, settings and etc.)

I will also try to avoid obvious bugs. But 100% for sure I will accidentally include few. Or even accidentally add some twice.

There is chance that I may also include few which has been included in official patch notes by DICE.

I will also add some bugs that are also long persistent and haven’t been fixed for ages.

sincerely and only with best regards - Grayback the Elder



1. Stealth Changes

2. Performance Corner

3. Community Wish


All stealth changes that community found out about:

  • #1 Chat font became thicker and clearer
  • #2 Several of the vault assault rifles seem to have improved reload animations, with new little jitters and movements
  • #3 Friendly claymore lasers are now green
  • #4 Paik has re-recorded voicelines in the menu (a more serious tone finally) and new voicelines in the pre-match
  • #5 DLSS has been updated to v2.5 finally
  • #6 From what I've seen, adding PVP AI now drops the XP to restricted in Portal, even without changing any other settings. RIP PVE progression.
  • #7 SU-57 has improved acceleration and deceleration sounds
  • #8 The loading screens now have quotes and other lore pieces as small text at the bottom center.
  • #9 NVK Shotgun/Pistol exclusive optic had its reticle changed to a single blue dot.
  • #10 All vault weapons support skins, not just the ones being given the 2042 attachments.
  • #11 You can now customise the chat window and make it wider/bigger. New icons for certain gadgets, for example the mines.
  • #12 Blasco's mastery was changed to "spots blocked or enemies disrupted". 8000 needed for T1 now.
  • #13 Aim assist changes/improvements? Not sure but feels like it.
  • #14 Aim assist now affects even sniper scopes. (I consider it absolutely wrong idea)
  • #15 Even when considering the removal of the HB, many if not all vault ARs have new damage drop-offs.MTAR and ACW both have a 4HK range now. MTAR also has it's bugged hipfire removed. ACW-R has near SMG hipfire now.
  • #16 Portal experiences with no modifiers and default PvP AI no longer grant ribbon and mastery XP at all, neither do they progress weekly missions like they used to before this update.
  • #17 online friend list ingame are now sorted by status ingame. previously need to scroll down to find that particular friend to join them
  • #18 The M416 no longer has the Holosight attachment, for some reason?
  • #19 [NEEDS FURTHER VERIFICATION] Anti Tank Mines “appear” to have been nerfedUPDATE: not it’s not. Works fine as before.
  • #20[NEEDS FURTHER VERIFICATION] Portal AI don't grant anything towards weapon attachments. Super rough for those of us in unpopulated regions.
  • #21 Boris got a secret buff/change. Sentry turret has higher RPM, but less health in general. It can finally kill something again and takes less bullets to destroy an enemy turret.
  • #22 Falck has new voice lines. She is shouting some lines in German now, representing here origin
  • #23 [NEEDS FURTHER VERIFICATION] MBTs feel more agile, still testing
  • #24 Jets now track kills while destroying vehicles instead of vehicles destroyed
  • #25 switching guns with laser on gives little turn off beepnot sure if its old tho
  • #26 Melee now has a slight amount of tracking a la BF1. Not too much, feels right for 2042.
  • #27 Ai soldier squad mates can ping now
  • #28 This might just be me but Boris' pose on the main menu feels slightly different compared to before, at least with LMGs
  • #29 Tank shells renamed. MPAT to 120mm smoothbore MPAT and so on for the rest, I would assume.
  • #30 M16A3 lost the regular US Reflex, and new attachments show the front iron sight. Not sure if this was in patch notes or not.
  • #31 [PERSISTENT BUG] HDR is still broken on PC from when 4.2.0 patch came outhttps://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/HDR-stopped-working-after-4-2-0-Update/m-p/12539819#M27514
  • #32 [BUG REINTRODUCED] unable to aim down site of AEK (haven't tested others yet, I have a sneaking suspicion it's going to be all the Vault weapons) after exiting vehicle.
  • #33 Chat is bigger on wide screen
  • #34 The Air-to-Ground Missile no longer locks onto empty vehicles but will keep the lock if the enemy player leaves the vehicle during the lock sequence. - This was supposed to be in 5.0 but I tested and I can lock onto empty vehicles just fineUpdated: This is only affecting the Jet AGM
  • #35 Attack helicopter flight mechanics have absolutely been reworked. Feels much lighter and nimble. Likely to offset the new AA weaponry.
  • #36 30mm regular AA cannon has been buffed against land vehicles. Tier 1 wildcat here.Also the 35mm wildcat cannon sucks. It hits hard but has so much lead it’s only good at very close range against air targets.
  • #37 EBLC ram now allows smoke and APS. previously you could only get one.
  • #38 [BUG INTRODUCED] when getting revived in some game modes, you still come back to life with your camera turned all the way down. Bug's been there since S3 at least.
  • #39
  • #40
  • #41
  • #42
  • #43
  • #44
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  • #112
  • #113
  • #114



Performance corner:

report your performance and setup bellow. If is it better or worse. Include your PC specs and in-game settings that you are running your game on.

+ Better:



+ Worse:





THE WISH: Make All Chat enabled by default.

WISHES fulfilled:

✅ Ability to remove attachments from guns ✅

  • Rules for Community wish

most upvoted (COMMUNITY WISH FEATURE) suggestion that is mentioned bellow by you guys. Will get shout out in this section. other wish can take others place in this shout out section if it will have more upvotes than previous one.

Please tag these as: COMMUNITY WISH

So it’s easier for me and many others to spot these and be considered as proper wish.


all previous STEALTH CHANGES list posts for past updates


if I replied “added” and you still don’t see your stealth change. It’s because it is in process of validation