Ball python hissing randomly?

I have a cute ball python who is super sweet, never stressed, loves to explore her tank at all hours of the day. She is also extremely vocal, and will hiss randomly inside her tank. When I look over, she is still alert, flicking her tongue curiously, moving around, so I know this can't be a stress response. She doesn't do it when she's about to shed or any other possible reasons to hiss - as far as I know, she's just hissing to hiss. Has anyone else had this happen before? It is just a quick, forceful hiss. I've heard her hiss when she doesn't want to be disturbed, and it sounds very different.

She will also make little "puffs" of hisses when I handle her, but again, not as a distress response. She'll make these little sounds as she's happily exploring my body, flicking her tongue curiously, no signs of stress. I think she may have figured out that I respond to sound, or maybe she's just learned she can make sound and now makes it all the time. Who knows?