Am I the bad housemate?

I (35f) share a flat with two others and I haved lived with the same people for 2.5/1.5 years respectively. I've lived there 4 years.

I share a bathroom with one of them, also 35. When she moved in, I made a big effort to make sure she was comfortable. I have a bath most nights, not a super long one - I'm usually out after 30 mins.

I know baths can be a source of tension in shared houses so I asked her quite a few times if she minded what time I have a bath and she said no each time, very emphatically so. She's a bit meek so I made sure to double check and told her that it's totally fine if she wants me to have them earlier. She said no, she really doesn't mind at all.

She recently got a boyfriend and the day after the first time he stayed, she texted me to ask me to start having a bath at 6pm so they could have some privacy. The bathroom is in between our rooms. I said I'm happy to compromise but that's unreasonable, she said she shouldn't have to ask me every time he came round to change my bathtime so I should just start having them earlier. Anyway, it ended very tersely with her deciding that before 9pm would be a fair compromise.

I've stuck to it since then but it's actually not always realistic. She's also started being very loud when her boyfriend comes over so they keep me up late and wake me up early on a weekday.

At the weekend she came in with her boyfriend at 1.30am and they were walking around the flat as if it was daytime, sitting with her bedroom door open and chatting. I couldn't go out to use the loo and it was really loud so I asked her to shut her door. She came charging out, slammed the door, stormed into the bathroom and was banging around, then did the same on the way out, barging past me.

She then started making dinner loudly. I went downstairs and asked her if we could have a conversation. In hindsight, that may have looked confrontational but I just wanted to try and resolve it. She started shouting at me that she's just trying to exist in her own home and that I should just leave because she'd already shut the door. I just said I was asking for a basic courtesy and what had I done to deserve this, to which she turned round and asked what SHE had done to deserve it. It was so aggressive and shaming and disdainful.

i haven't seen her since but today I started running a bath at about 9.10pm and she came stomping out of her room muttering something angrily as she walked past my room and slamming her door really loudly.

Personally I think a bath before 9pm for a grown adult is unreasonable but I'm trying to keep it as close to that as possible. I was out of the bathroom after 30 mins. It's making me super anxious and feel like I've done something wrong.

Is there something I'm missing??