Is PLUR/raving US culture becoming an excuse to desperately make friends?
I'm a foreigner. I started raving in the US 11 years ago, and I absolutely loved it when I first experienced the PLUR culture. People being super nice, gifting each other for no reason, helping others when in need—it was all fantastic.
But as the years went by, I’ve realized that now I’m kind of annoyed with people being overly nice and helpful, trying too hard to make friends. Let me explain:
This weekend, I went to Apocalypse, and good lord, the music was insane. On Friday, I was dancing, tripping, having fun with my husband (we’re not talking, just enjoying our asses off Kanine’s set), and out of nowhere, this girl pokes him. She said a bunch of things he couldn’t fully understand because the sound was so loud—something like, “I love your vibe” or whatever—and gave him a sprout. He thanked her, we both smiled, and we were super friendly. Cool, all good. Back to dancing.
Then, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DROP, she pokes me and starts saying, “I’m so sorry! Hope you’re not mad that I gave him something. I didn’t realize you guys were together. I wish I had something to give you, but I ran out of sprouts blah blah” And I’m like, “pleeease, you’re fine, it’s all good.” BIG SMILE. Back to dancing.
But no—she pokes me AGAIN to keep talking: “I love your vibe blah blah” and gives me a candy (like a real sweet one). I mean... 🙄
There was also this guy going around poking every-fucking-body asking if they wanted gum.
Yesterday, I was at this BNL party in LA. In the middle of Sota’s set, which was freaking awesome, this guy pokes me and says he wants to give me something. I’m like, ???????????? Ok... (waiting for him to find whatever he’s looking for...). Then he gives me a candy fidget spinner. I’m like, “Nice, thanks.” Back to dancing. But then he pokes me again: “Can I use your fan?” 🤨 Sure. Then he starts fanning me like crazy. I’m thinking, “Ok, at least I can dance, no talking.” He eventually puts it back in my backpack and asks for our Instagram handles to add us—IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SET. We’re not talking, we’re not dancing together, bonding, smiling or anything.
He finally left, but then 20 minutes later, he comes back, POKES ME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DROP to say, “I’m calling it a night. Just wanted to say goodbye! I’ll add you guys on Instagram tomorrow.” Like, WHO THE FUCK CARES?! Don’t poke people in the middle of the drop when they’re having a good time. It makes no sense! Why the hell you'd think it is a good idea to interrupt people to say goodbye? We’re in a nightclub, and I don’t know you!
I don’t want to be mean here—I think it’s nice that people invest time in planning and making those gifts. It really adds to the rave experience when you get something unexpected or hear something nice. But isn’t there a limit? Like, don’t interrupt people when they're having fun doing the main reason most people are raving in the first place: enjoying the fucking music.
I totally get that you want to make friends, but shouldn’t that happen naturally? I have tons of “Instagram friends” from raves—people I met once, and we added each other because we spontaneously danced together, helped each other, or even had a small interaction. That’s cool! But I go to raves to listen to the music. If someone’s dancing and vibing, shouldn’t we just let them be?
Honestly, these days I’m kind of avoiding being too nice or even smiling at people because I’m afraid they’re going to start talking to me, and I definitely don’t want to talk on the dancefloor.
I want to know your thoughts. Is this just me getting old and losing the “PLUR magic,” or is this a thing?