Sushi in Austin is disappointing

First off, I want to start by saying I love Austin. It’s my favorite city I’ve ever lived in, and I’ve lived all over texas and all over the country.

One of my biggest complaints, though, is the sushi scene here. I hear from all over my friends and those close to me that there are all these amazing sushi places — that Austin is a top tier sushi scene. I could not disagree more. Yes, places like craft omakase and edume are outstanding, but that is not an experience that you can have on a weekly or even monthly basis. The non omakase places are over priced and try to hide sub par fish behind extra garnishes and other oddities. There is not a single places where I’ve had simple nigiri and been impressed, especially for the price. Some places I’m paying 80+ for 10 pieces of salmon nigiri. That’s absurd. Even the “good places” are over priced for the quality of fish being served. I have tried over 20 “top rated” places now and have yet to find one I could call a staple.

Now if I’m wrong and there’s a place I’m missing, please tell me. Outside of Italian, sushi is my favorite cuisine. I came here from LA, where there were an abundance of small izakaya style sushi places with phenomenal fish for good prices. I know LA is a tough comparison, but I just want one place I can call my sushi spot.

Edit - post was just removed in r/austin, but there were some great responses in there!