How to become a "christian nation"...
Once upon a time, there was a very powerful nation. Although some said this nation was not as powerful as it once was, it was still a major military & economic force in the world. It's influence stretched far beyond its borders.
At this time, a christian religious movement had rapidly been growing in power. A significant part of the powerful legislative body of the government was now openly christian and pushing for the nation to adopt policies based on a christian agenda to make christianity the official religion. The top leader of the government was not known as a religious zealot, but he did not oppose the christian advances in power in the way previous leaders had
This was also a time of increasing unrest among the people of the nation. Division in economics, politics, culture, beliefs, etc was causing angst, anger and in some cases, violence. The old beliefs were seen as ineffective and the community promised by christianity (real or fictional) was seen by many as a way to unify the nation and regain their former glory.
Sound familiar?
The nation I'm describing is not the USA in CE 2024. It is the Roman Empire in CE 312.
In that year, before the pivotal battle of the Milvian Bridge, Emperor Constantine claimed to have seen a vision of the Greek letters Chi (X) and Rho (P). These are also the first two letters of "Christ". With this, he also saw the words In hoc signo vinces (In this sign, conquer). Constantine took this as a sign from god that he would be victorious, and ordered his soldiers to paint the Chi-Rho symbol on their shields. When they did win the battle, Constantine was convinced the christian god had given him the victory.
From that point to the end of his life, Constantine elevated christianity and worked to make christianity the unifying force in the Roman Empire.
In 2025, are we just one vision away from following the Romans?