I got rejected from all the universities i applied to and now i don't know what to do?

As most of you know you have to apply to Uni with ur grade 11 marks, but the problem is that i did very bad in Grade 11(73% average). I was set on improving my marks in matric, this resulted in me getting 5 distinctions namely in Maths Lit, English, Afrikaans, Accounting and Life orientation with a 83% average for my finals. I applied for LLB at Stellies, UCT, UWC and WITS when they opened their applications. It seemed like most of them rejected me based off of my grade 11 marks and didn't even bother looking at my final matric results. I'm feeling pretty bummed and don't know what to do at the moment. I worked very hard this year and it feels like it was all for nothing in the end.