Leena’s mom being a better mother to her children

Tell me why Leena can’t pack toys and snacks for her own child? Like that is so strange to me! Instead her mother packed snacks+lots of activities for Alaina. Leena is so miserable that her mother is literally raising Alaina! I bet both of her children prefer to be with their grandparents more than their own mom and dad. 🙊 Leena can only get away with this now because when they grow up they will pity how lazy and miserable they make her! I was a child who was always handed off to grandparents and I grew to resent my mother for that! Now my grandparents and I are much closer than my own parents. Hopefully she gets a reality check. Also there is nothing wrong with a strong bond between a grandparent but it’s scary how much she is know Leena’s children more than her.