Thorvald doesn't want to talk to me.

First-time player. Was told to go to the Isle of Despair to look for the Black Mountain Clan. I get there and ask the guard outside about speaking with Thorvald, and he says I need to talk to Thorvald's guard first. I talk to Thorvald's guard, he tells me to win a fight in the pit. I win a fight in the pit and I get let into Thorvald's place. I talk to Thorvald and am very quickly shut down and kicked out of dialog saying he doesn't want to talk to me.

I've got an ugly character and my Beauty is 1, so he doesn't like me and has a -15 reaction towards me (that I can increase to 15 with Charm, but that doesn't change anything). I've gone around talking to people to see if there's something I need or some info that could get me to talk, but after doing a number of quests no one has help me get closer to getting him to talk so I feel like I'm stuck or my game is possible bugged.

Any ideas?