9 Months on Olumiant

I wanted to share my progress being on Olumiant for 9 months! I have Ophiasis, so my hair falls out in an atypical pattern around the crown of my head. Up until I was 20 years old I only had small patches of hair fall out that I could cover up. I lost my right eyebrow in middle school and my left eyelashes my senior year of high school. My remaining lashes and brows fell out in 2018-2019. I had been trying to get on a JAK inhibitor for years to treat my alopecia and failed several first line treatments. I am overjoyed at my progress and I’m extremely lucky that my hair has never completely fallen out, but it has never made it any less devastating. My dermatologist wants to raise my dose to the 4mg as my progress has slowed, but so far I have had no side effects. I also live with type one diabetes, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and PCOS and none of these medical conditions have been exacerbated by the Olumiant!