Rules question regarding Kragnos

Hey everyone.

A friend and I have a discussion about Kragnos' Shield Inviolate. I am arguing, that when playing against Kragnos I can place the Prismatic Palisade in front of him, so he can not move through it. He says that he can not be affected by spells or endless spells (after succeeding his roll) so he can move right through it.

In my understanding of the rules, it would be hard for me to blind him with the palisade, but this is the only thing that "affects" him in my definition. After that the palisade is just a model with a base. But there seem to be very differing opinions about that subject on the web. The rules text is not as clear as I would hope. It just says in the general rules:
"Remember that the base of the spells block movement (you cannot move through bases of units) so that can be something to think about when moving them around or when deciding wether or not to let your opponent move a spell."
But I can not find a textbook definition of affected by.

What is the correct way to play this and where is it written in the rules? Can someone help me out?
Thanks in advance.

I know that in AoS3.0 this is different, because endless spells don't block movement anymore (which still would give me the opportunity to place the wall in a way in front of him, so he can't move around it, right).