please help meeeeeeeeeeee
Hey guys so basically I've been in this relationship with this guy for 10 months and we have really been happy you know and we've loved each other and we still do and anyways I've known that he has struggled with mental health for many years in his life but when we first got together like he was fine you know he was so happy he was over the moon and he says you know that he's never loved anyone before and that no one has ever loved him and so that's why you know me loving him and him loving me was so special you know and we still do but anyways a few weeks ago he broke up with me but he has been doing this for like the last two months I'd say but he did come back every time again let me stress this again. We love each other very much and I know he loves me but the problem is is that he is going through a lot of mental health issues. So when he broke up with me, he blocked me because he knew that if he didn't get rid of me completely he would just come back and he would happen again so it lasted for a week and then he texted me and said that he wanted to see me and so we went out and we were just kind of crying and we were telling each other that we love each other and he was just you know saying that he thinks that I deserve better because you know of his mental health issues and then he ended up saying that if he can fix himself one day, he will come back to me and so basically we left it at that and then that was fine and I was really happy because you know when he did break up with me I was just mentally down and just not okay then a couple days later he text me and he said that he had been doing some research into mental disorders and he said that he thinks that he has borderline personality disorder because he fits with every symptom and he told me to read into it and I realise that he had literally almost every symptom that came with having BPD and then the day after he tells me that he's had a really difficult conversation because he's not close with his mum he said he had a really difficult conversation with his mum about getting him to go to a psychiatrist or psychologist and then fast forward two days ago. He told me that the doctor had put him on antidepressants and he had had his first session with a psychologist and his next one is in a couple weeks so that is where we are right now and anyway we met up today to have a conversation and he said that he will only come back to me when he's fixed and he says that his mind is like very neutral and he just doesn't have all real feelings and that sometimes he wants to be with me other times he doesn't and he's saying it's because of his mind and we think that it fits in with borderline personality disorder, but obviously he hasn't been diagnosed yet because he has only been to one session and so today you know he said like ill only come back to you when I'm fixed but then like when we kept talking he said that he'll never be fixed and that he'll always be that way and so I got upset because we promised at the start of our relationship that we would be together forever get married and have children and we love each other very much but now he thinks that he'll never get fixed and that he can't come to me unless he's completely fixed and I keep telling him and I keep trying to be positive saying that his sessions will help and the antidepressants will help but I think he thinks that they won't so I'm really confused. I don't know what to do. Do I need to let go of him? Do I need to move on like I keep trying to tell myself that he will come back to me but today when he said that he won't get better and that he will always be that way I got really upset and confused. Please help me. Surely since we love each other he will be back right. Yes he will be back. He has to be back he will be back.