The Tesla vandalisms are a preview of what will happen when AI takes over jobs
I don't say that to be a doomer, rather to be realistic. If anything, I think there would be less violence the faster we accelerate through the transition. The faster widespread AI and robotics becomes, the more capabilities people will have to ease the mass layoffs.
People are so up in arms over Musk in large part because he's affecting jobs, seemingly without remorse. This same energy will broaden to include any company that starts mass layoffs for AI replacements.
The trend is already starting with cuts to hiring at many large companies. Salesforce isn't hiring new engineers. Google expects most of their code to be written by ai's in the near future. If Musk and Trump were taking up so much of the oxygen, we might widespread general protests already.
As optimists/accerationists we could do a lot to help ease the transition by pushing forward positive solutions. Whether you believe in Ubi, universal AGI distribution, a data dividend system, or something else entirely, Don't be afraid to start endorsing it full-throatedly to your friends and family.
The more people see and believe in options besides violence, the less there will be.
If anyone does know of tangible projects or trials to help people through the loss of work to AI, please do share.
EDIT: I'm not saying that people are attacking Tesla because of automation. I'm saying the kinds of attacks we're seeing against Tesla, will be the same kinds of luddite attacks that will be more widespread when AI automation really sinks in for people. The destruction of property is foreshadowing.