To those who are free and healing right now: do you ever get angry or frustrated he hasn't faced any consequences?
I left my abuser 6 years ago. I thought he "changed" but he didn't. So I cut him off completely after less than a year of "healthy communication" attempts.
Today, I'm looking back at that relationship, the breakup, and the aftermath. I have no doubt I personally gained A LOT since then. Mostly in the mental health department but also relationships with other people, my independence, etc. But what did he LOSE?..
I dunno. It makes me frustrated that he hasn't lost any friendships over this, any reputation (professional or otherwise). He did lose my financial contributions but at the same time, I was left with a massive financial debt mostly acquired by him during our relationship (when we broke up, I was better equipped financially to handle the debt, and my mental state wouldn't be helped by an argument/guilt tripping over that matter, so I just told him to forget about it. also, the divorce procedure in our home country works like this: you either get a "simple" divorce where you only sign a couple of papers OR you get through the court system if you have a property dispute or minor children. I honestly was just happy to be untangled from him and didn't pursue sticking him with a half of the debt).
He also wasn't physically violent (except for very minor cases), so the police never got involved (honestly, even if he was violent... good luck to me in our home country in that case). There was a lot of sexual coercion and mistreatment but never anything "actionable" from the law standpoint.
He did lose ME though. Someone he could easily manipulate and push around. I heard he started a new relationship some time after our breakup. Don't know if they are still together. Hope she is fine.
So... Am I satisfied after 5 years? A large part of me wants to say YES. He is out of my life. I'm free. I have loving and respectful relationships with other people. But there's also a smaller part that is very vindictive. This part wants him to PAY. I know life is not perfect and "justice" doesn't always prevail. But the idealistic little girl inside me still wants him to understand the pain he put me through and take accountability one day. Maybe this day will come, but I don't count on it.