Fanservice has never been the problem, it's unequal fanservice.

Take a look at the dance scenes from both Carlotta and Brant and compare them side by side. There's an actual noticeable difference there. With Carlotta, her and Rover make physical, hold each other's hands and dance, while the "dance" with Brant they don't even have that level of intimacy.

I know a lot of people are gonna say that it doesn't fit his character and what not, but that's not the point I'm trying to make here. The point is that female characters get to constantly fawn once Rover, flirt, get flustered or even get physically intimate with them at various moments in the game. That same level of fanservice isn't as prominent with the male casts, aside from the stalker-ish tendencies of Scar and a few unintended innuendos from Jiyan. Sure, there some romantic undertones with Xianli Yao but it's barebones compared to what you'd get with Changli or Yinlin.

Now, another argument would be that since their main targets are male players, especially from CN they would follow this route, especially because how homophobic they are. To which I would answer, that if that's the case, then why bother at all? Why even make male characters then if the bare minimum is only provided for them. It would be akin to selling a plain cake in a shop full of pastries and then wondering why that plain cake isn't selling so well. Also, given how they have no problem with yuri (female Rover x female characters), doesn't that highlight how hypocritical and creepy they really are, and shouldn't that be incentive to at least try to make a more diverse fanbase like Genshin and Star Rail?

And given that most of us usually get a "Go play LAD" a lot whenever we complain for more male characters, I might as well bring up Love and Deepspace. LAD isn't popular or financially successful just because it exclusively has male characters. They've got some of the most exploitative gacha systems around yet their players will throw every money they have for Xavier or Sylus if they want to. And that's because of fanservice. They have only five male characters but each of them are made in a way to actually appeal to their female players.

And finally that brings me to WuWas female players. I know that male players can also enjoy husbandos (I myself am a dude) but it would be ingenuine of me to pretend like they're not made for the female players in mind. But it seems like Kuro is misunderstanding what draws female players to the husbandos, and it's not just being a dude by default. Women want to feel special, they want their husbandos to flirt with them, to sweep them off of their feet and make them swoon. Brant was the perfect character for that: the handsome, roughish, charming man who's like a mix of Aladdin and Jack Sparrow. He's been great so far but had they gone all in on the fanservice like they did with Shore keep or Camellya, Carlotta, Changli etc with Brant, I'm pretty sure Brant mains around the world would buy an entire fleet of ships just to show how much they love him.

TLDR: If Kuro gives the same level of fanservice for their female players, they bring the girlies who will devour merch in seconds or rent out an entire shopping mall for their fictional boyfriends birthday if they want to.