Male pullers only, how were your pulls/experiences up till now?

I stopped playing the patch before Xiangli Yao was given out for free, and came back 1 week ago for Brant. I won't say that I will only pull for male characters, but at least now, there are no female characters that interest me, so I think I'm gonna go for guys and their weapons/sequences. (And maybe Shorekeeper, I heard she's very good for every team?)

But my question would be, mainly for f2p players - but will see how much I enjoy the game in the future - how many astrites did you manage to save up between 2 male banners? How many sequences were you able to pull for? And if you happen to buy the Lunite Subscription, how worth is it, when there are so few male banners? I'm curious, as to plan my pulls going forward. Also curious how your pulls went in general.