Penalty for 0 dmg?

playing through the holidays, i lost countles battles because of top tier tanks (playing at tiers 8and 9 mostly) doing 0 damage. i get it, sometimes it just isnt your day but for fuck sake, 3 top tiers do 0 and suprise suprize! yet another lost! its really frustrating to see something like this. some losses sometimes feel good, for exmaple when the battle is neck and neck, for every enemy that dies, your team looses one and at the end the enemy wins, it feels good because you accully got outplayed in a fun and engaging way. but loosing againg and again just because your top tier heavy decided to roll play as a tank destryer its just annoying. for clarifications, i am not the best player myself but its rare that i do 0 damage. so rant over, going back to the question at hand, shouldnt there be a penalty for doing 0 damage (lets say tiers 6 to 10 and assist damage for light tanks instead of normal damage) lets say that the penalty would be temparerry ban for playing high tiers. say youve done 0 damage in a tier 9, you get a warning. 2nd 0 damage game that day, ban for an 1 hour for paying tiers 6-10. (i dont like the idea of paying money as penalty as a lot of ppl have countless amounts of silver so i think geting ppl off high tiers works better). same thing might apply to ppl that die withing first minute of the game. if your light tank dies within 1 minute and youre playing prohorovka, you might as well just quint cause youve already lost. Most of this is just me ranting but please provide your own experience with this two phenomenon's/ your solutions