3 days premium, camo and 3 containers code
Hi all,
Currently in Serbia there is some WOWS and Jacobs coffee deal, buy couple of their coffees, enter site and get code :) here https://wowsjacobs.rs/
But you actually do not need to buy coffee at all :)
Go to that link above click on prijavi se button in the bottom https://wowsjacobs.rs/prijava Add some name, address, you can google some McD in Belgrade for example, or you can type whatever, not sure it checks for real address, add some email and phone number.
If you are new player, leave first option checked, if not, check second. In račun field you should attach receipt you got when you bought coffee, but you can actually attach whatever jpg you want :) and check last item and click on prijava. Next page will open and you will get code. Seems only 1 code per account :)
If you didn't attach receipt, guess you wouln't be able to get one of the main prizes; ps5, xbox... but who cares :)