This Russian Bias is killing me

All across this sub you can find in posts saying something about Gaijin and how they favor the Russian tree. The problem I find with the concept of "Russian Bias" is as follows:

If balance only ever swung in favor of Russian machines it would be true, but that isn't the case. For a long time the Leopoard 1 was the best tank of its tier, I remember the Sherman 105 eating teams alive, I remember the Hellcat/Bulldog situations when they first came out, the German tree in particular is gifted with some low hanging competition especially once the Tiger H1 is acquired etc. But when these things cause balance issues, the players that benefit say "Historically accurate" or "Balanced and fair" while the other players will disagree and call it for what it is, stupidity. However, when a Russian machine has balance swing in its favor (like the T-34 that people are fond of) the attitude switches from "Just stupidity" to "Russian bias". Surely others recognize that this is not only inconsistent logic but also helps absolutely no one. As I have send on other threads, Gaijin made a mistake recently with APDS and HEAT-FS and they will make mistakes again, however when they do it won't be out of malice or bias but out of nearsightedness. It's called Hanlon's Razor and I wish more folks would apply it.